Our Elders
The United Reformed Church ordains church members who have been elected to serve as Elders. They work with the Minister (when one has been called to serve in the church) and Church Officers and are an important part of the leadership of the church. They have these responsibilities:
- i) to foster in the congregation concern for witness and service to the community, evangelism at home and abroad, Christian education, ecumenical action, local inter-church relations and the wider responsibilities of the whole church;
- ii) to see that public worship is regularly offered and the sacraments are duly administered, Synod Office 0208 6886730
Website www.southersynodurc.org.uk
iii) to ensure pastoral care for the congregation, in which the minister is joined by elders having responsibility for groups of members;
- iv) to nominate from among its members a church secretary (or secretaries), to be elected by the church meeting, to serve both the church meeting and the elders’ meeting;
- v) to arrange for pulpit supply in a vacancy;
Serving Elders 2024
Charles, Patrick, Florence, George, Hilary, John, Grace.
Church Officers
Joint Secretaries Georgina & Freda
Treasurer Joana
Assistant Treasurer Robin