8th November 2020

The church is not a building… We may have had to close the premises for Sunday worship but, as this poster reminds us, the church never closes. From this Sunday we will be holding all services using Zoom until we can start meeting again in person. As things stand, that will not be until Sunday  6th December.  The Zoom meeting invitation and password will remain the same and the order of service will be sent out and posted on our Facebook page.  We will continue to look after each other as a fellowship.


Remembrance Sunday 8th November

The service this Sunday will be at 10am. This is to allow us to join together in our own Remembrance Act of Worship and then individually to join the service from the Cenotaph.  Please join us for this important day which brings us together as a nation and a congregation.


Harvest Festival

We held our Harvest Festival on 11th October – not quite as normal as we couldn’t have fresh produce or have lunch afterwards, but we managed a good display of tins of meat, vegetables, soup, fruit, packets of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, sugar, pasta, toiletries suitable for both men and women, such as soap, shampoo, deodorant.  These were gratefully received by The Link who are still providing hot drinks, sandwiches and warm clothes to people who are homeless, at the church on a Thursday evening. The leaders of the Link have asked us to pass on their grateful thanks. Anything they cannot use they pass on to other groups.


Church Meeting 11th October

Redevelopment: In the last newsletter we reminded you of the very important church meeting on 11th October.  We are delighted to tell you that at that meeting, church members agreed this resolution with no dissent: Following the earlier resolutions on 11 August 2019 and 8 September 2019, the members of East Croydon URC, after prayerful consideration, request Southern Synod Trust Company to enter into a contract with Pocket Living to redevelop the East Croydon URC site in accordance with the plans circulated to include a Sanctuary and other facilities and a new office to be rented by Synod, subject to the approval of the S119 Report by the Charity Commissioners. We hope, Covid-19 permitting, to move quickly to the next stage.


The meeting also expressed its sincere thanks to Fred Attram for his work as Church Treasurer. As Fred was unable to be in church, Amma and Sam Boateng took a gift to him on our behalf. We now need to appoint a new treasurer and if anyone is interested in taking on this role please speak to Derrick or one of the officers as soon as possible.

Keep well and stay safe



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