We continue with six families on a regular basis and with occasional visiting children. Football and rugby absorb the interests of some of the boys and so we will be seeing them less. Our older teenagers tend to come less often as their GCSE commitments increase.
In 2019: our themes included Holy Communion, the books of Luke and Thessalonians, Peter, Christian symbols, Covenants
We took part in or led services on occasions and tried to ring the changes with different versions of the Nativity and even a venture into dramatic dance for the Easter service to Downhere’s – A Better Way. July was notable for our sponsored walk to raise funds for our SOS godchild, Jose. We enjoyed this venture although the grass was longer and wetter than expected but the ice creams at the café were worth the walk. Thanks to Kate for planning the route and all who supported it.
As well as meeting on Sunday mornings we have arranged other times to build up the bond between the children and their families with some games mornings in February half term – run thanks to Georgina’s sporting knowledge and energy.
We took all that for granted and then in 2020 Covid came along. We had been involved in a family service in February featuring a lighthouse and the theme of what sort of tower we were building but then Lockdown kept us out of church. We tried to maintain contact by sending out materials both before the church was meeting on Zoom and later to complement the Zoom service but in reality, it was probably too much like having schoolwork sent home for the children. We managed a few meetings on Zoom as a group but this was of more benefit to the adults.
Some of us met for a picnic in Park Hill during the summer when the first lockdown had ended. When church opened again briefly, we prepared materials and the occasional craft activity at the back of the church but without an actual Junior Church meeting not many families came to the services. We are now looking at doing Junior Church differently but hopefully will manage to keep the children in touch with the church family.
We have maintained our contact with Jose by post sending him birthday and Christmas cards with messages and the church kindly provided the donation for 2020 when we had been unable to do any fundraising.
My thanks go to the Junior Church team for their inspiration and encouragement.
We are looking forward to the future.