Reflecting on First Impressions and Judgement
On September 8, 2024, John Ponsford delivered the talk “How Do You Know?” His powerful message challenged us to reflect on how we form opinions about people, mainly based on their outward appearance.
John shared a story about a man who arrived at a party looking shabby and smelling unpleasant. Instantly, he was shunned—nobody offered him food or engaged in conversation. Disheartened, the man left, only to return later dressed smartly. This time, he was welcomed warmly, and food was generously offered. In response, the man began putting food into his pockets, hinting that it wasn’t him who deserved kindness but the appearance of his fine suit.
The story reminded us of a fundamental truth: How often do we judge others based solely on what we see? How usually do we unconsciously form opinions about someone’s character, worth, or intentions just from their appearance? John’s message was to look deeper and not let superficial judgments guide our interactions with others.
It is easy to fall into the trap of making snap judgments daily. However, as Christians, we are not just called but inspired to a higher standard. Jesus spent time with people from all walks of life—many of whom society looked down upon. He didn’t judge people by their outward appearance but saw into their hearts and showed love, compassion, and grace to all.
As our week progresses, let us take John’s message to heart. Let us be careful not to let our first impressions define how we treat others. Let us extend grace, love, and kindness to everyone we meet, regardless of how they look, what they wear, or where they come from.
How do we know the heart of someone? Only God can see into the depths of a person’s soul. Our role is to love others as Christ loves us—unconditionally and without prejudice.
May this message inspire us to reflect on our interactions and strive to see people through the eyes of compassion and humility, offering hope for a more loving and understanding community.
Victor Kisseih
#ECURC #SundayReflection #JudgingByAppearance #ChristianLove #Kindness